@php use App\Models\Admin\CreatorVideoCategories; use App\Libraries\DateTime; @endphp @foreach($listing as $l)
Purchase {{ $l['last_renewed'] ? date('d M, Y',strtotime($l['last_renewed'])) : date('d M, Y',strtotime($l['created']))}}
{{$l['title']}} @if($l['expiry_date'] >= date('Y-m-d')) Active @else Expired @endif

{!! Str::limit(nl2br($l['description']),100) !!}

{{$l['price']}}/{{$l['days']}} days @if($l['plan_type'] == 'customize_categories' && $l['hours']) /{{ DateTime::secondsToTime($l['hours']) }} hours @endif

Expire on {{date('d M, Y',strtotime($l['expiry_date']))}} @if($l['expiry_date'] < date('Y-m-d')) Renew @endif


    @php $features = isset($l['features']) && $l['features'] && General::isJson($l['features']) ? json_decode($l['features']) : []; @endphp
  • Access of all the audios and videos which have been uploaded.

  • Access to all the upcoming lectures which will be uploaded till your plan expires

  • {{--
  • Social media follows ( You follow us, we'll follow you).

  • --}}
  • Participate section will be unlocked for you.

  • Get in touch section will be unlocked for you.

  • {{--
  • The faculty will give priority to the topics you will suggest.

  • --}}
@php $categories = $l['categories'] ? json_decode($l['categories'],true) : []; @endphp @if($categories)


    @foreach($categories as $key => $c) @php $category = CreatorVideoCategories::get($c); $categoryTitle = $category ? $category->title : ""; $categoryLink = $category ? $category->link : ""; @endphp @if($categoryTitle)
  • {{ $categoryTitle }} @if($categoryLink) @endif

  • @endif @endforeach