@if(isset($isCoupons) && $isCoupons > 0)
Apply Coupons
Redeem the availed coupons here for Discounts.
@endif @if(isset($coupon) && $coupon) @if(isset($discount) && $discount && $discount > 0)
Coupon Applied {{ isset($coupon['code']) && $coupon['code'] ? '('.$coupon['code'].')' : '' }}
Apply Coupons
@if($couponOffer['discount_type'] == 'percentage')
Get upto {{ $couponOffer['discount'] }}% off on first order
@endif @if($couponOffer['discount_type'] == 'fixed')
Get upto {{ $currency_symbol.$couponOffer['discount'] }} off on first order
@endif @endif @if(isset($appliedCoupon) && count($appliedCoupon) > 0)
Coupon Applied
{{-- {{ isset($appliedCoupon['title']) && $appliedCoupon['title'] ? $appliedCoupon['title'] : '' }} --}} @if(isset($appliedCoupon['description']) && $appliedCoupon['description'])
{!! $appliedCoupon['description'] !!}
Apply Coupons
@if(isset($giftWrap) && $giftWrap > 0)

{{ $currency_symbol.$giftWrap }}

@endif @if(isset($giftBox) && $giftBox > 0)

{{ $currency_symbol.$giftBox }}


We send automatic order details and tracking information to whatsapp and email. Please give contact accordingly.

Bill Details

Total Amount

{{-- @if(isset($totalWithoutDiscount) && $totalWithoutDiscount > 0)
{{ isset($totalWithoutDiscount) && $totalWithoutDiscount ? $currency_symbol.($totalWithoutDiscount) : 0 }}
@endif --}}

{{ isset($totalWithoutDiscount) && $totalWithoutDiscount ? $currency_symbol.$totalWithoutDiscount : 0 }}

@if(isset($orderType) && $orderType == 'domestic') @if(isset($taxPercentageAmount) && $taxPercentageAmount && $taxPercentageAmount > 0)
Tax Information

CGST ({{ isset($taxPercentageAmount) && $taxPercentageAmount ? $taxPercentageAmount : 0 }}%)

{{ isset($total_tax) && $total_tax ? '+ '.$currency_symbol.$total_tax : 0 }}

@endif @if(isset($sgstPercentageAmount) && $sgstPercentageAmount && $sgstPercentageAmount > 0)

SGST ({{ isset($sgstPercentageAmount) && $sgstPercentageAmount ? $sgstPercentageAmount : 0 }}%)

{{ isset($sgst_tax) && $sgst_tax ? '+ '.$currency_symbol.$sgst_tax : 0 }}

@endif @elseif(isset($orderType) && $orderType == 'international') @if(isset($igstPercentageAmount) && $igstPercentageAmount && $igstPercentageAmount > 0)
Tax Information

IGST ({{ isset($igstPercentageAmount) && $igstPercentageAmount ? $igstPercentageAmount : 0 }}%)

{{ isset($igst_tax) && $igst_tax ? '+ '.$currency_symbol.$igst_tax : 0 }}

@endif @endif

Grand Total

{{ isset($total_tax) && $total_tax ? $currency_symbol.($subtotal+$total_tax+$threadsAmount) : 0 }}

@if(isset($discount) && $discount && $discount > 0 || isset($couponDiscount) && $couponDiscount && $couponDiscount > 0 || isset($discountProduct) && $discountProduct && $discountProduct > 0 || isset($deliveryCharges) && $deliveryCharges && $deliveryCharges > 0 || isset($iscouponDiscount) && $iscouponDiscount || isset($codCharges) && $codCharges && $codCharges > 0)
Discount/Delivery Fee
@if(isset($iscouponDiscount) && $iscouponDiscount)

Discount Coupon/Promos ?

{{ $iscouponDiscount }}

@endif @if(isset($couponDiscount) && $couponDiscount)

Coupon Discount

{{ '- '.$currency_symbol.$couponDiscount }}

@endif @if(isset($discountProduct) && $discountProduct)

Product Discount

{{ '- '.$currency_symbol.$discountProduct}}

@endif @if(isset($discount) && $discount)

Total Applied Discount

{{'- '.$currency_symbol.$discount }}

@endif @if(isset($deliveryCharges) && $deliveryCharges && $deliveryCharges > 0)

Delivery Fee

{{ '+ '.$currency_symbol.$deliveryCharges }}

@endif @if(isset($codCharges) && $codCharges && $codCharges > 0)

COD Charges

{{ '+ '.$currency_symbol.$codCharges }}

@endif @endif @if(isset($threadsAmount) && $threadsAmount && $threadsAmount > 0 || isset($giftBoxSet) && $giftBoxSet && $giftBoxSet > 0 || isset($giftWrapSet) && $giftWrapSet && $giftWrapSet > 0)
Additional charges

Back Chain


--}} @if(isset($threadsAmount) && $threadsAmount > 0)


+ {{ $currency_symbol.$threadsAmount }}

@endif @if(isset($giftWrapSet) && $giftWrapSet > 0)

Gift Wrap

{{'+ '.$currency_symbol.$giftWrapSet }}

@endif @if(isset($giftBoxSet) && $giftBoxSet > 0)

Gift Box

{{ '+ '.$currency_symbol.$giftBoxSet}}

@endif @endif

Net Total

{{ isset($total) && $total ? $currency_symbol.$total : 0 }}