1a. A1, A2 in Home Country
1b. B1 & B2 in Germany at campus Schwerin from IAS College (6 months). 6 hours per week 5 days a week. (Note: We also recommend students to learn till B1 and if possible write the exam at home country or can write it in Here we send the invitation for the German Exam).
1c. during the 6 months students will also undergo training in Intercultural, Family contacts, do’s and dont’s in Germany, Laws, and regulations, Nursing German etc (fees: 3000€. 1000€ non refundable administration and seat reservation fees, Rest fees: 3 weeks prior to visa or after visa whichever is applicable)
1d. after passing B2, can join as interns at hospitals (stipend min. 1000€ per month) and prepare for themselves the license exam (some hospitals do offer help) or can join the PAP license training (if its available in their city) or they need to come to Schwerin for an Extra tuition fee (3500€).
(Note: As India is still under the blacklisted country cannot give students the hospital interest or preconditional internship)
1e. Upon passing the exam can now work anywhere in the European Union.